Unquestionably, every country has its top-tier culinary delights. Some countries, like France, Italy, and Japan, are known worldwide for their classic dishes. Others are less famous but nonetheless house many a mouthwatering morsel. I, as a result of being an avid travel boy, as Dwylan stupidly calls me, have taken it upon myself to investigate the lesser-appreciated gastronomical achievements of the world. This is my duty for the benefit of mankind. As I visited the Himalayan nation of Nepal, in the heart, or rather the diaphragm of Asia, I wanted to discover the best food of Nepal. So, I went there, ate food, and left. Yup. That’s it. I didn’t really bother to look deeply into anything so I guess I’m forfeiting my right to be a fake food critic.
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I appreciate everything you do!
Yet no! I was lucky! I had been turning the Buddhist prayer wheels clockwise and obviously gained good luck from it. For, you see, on my way out of Nepal, a bundle of parchment evidently flew through a narrow crack in the airplane window while I left Kathmandu, and landed in my critically lauded lap. In it, I found a most intriguing transcript. This transcript pertained to a series of interviews, seemingly more akin to auditions, of many a dish to crown the best food of Nepal.
Yes, some mysterious yet undeniably noble gent apparently interviewed the classic Nepalese dishes, equipped with the ability to communicate with food of course, in a series of auditions to be hired as Food Ambassador of Nepal. I do not know what became of this man and his research but, as I have the transcript with me, and I like to assume unknown people are martyrs for the cause, I will honor his memory with this post. Thus, I shall recall this transcribed set of interviews and see if together, you, the readers, and I, can determine which food would have been hired as the Best Food of Nepal to the point of becoming its national Culinary Ambassador.
1. Momo
So, mr. Momo, is it? What makes you believe you have what it takes to be labeled as the Best Food of Nepal?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Well, firstly, I’m like the most wellknown Nepalese dish outside Nepal. Hellooo, who wouldn’t like little balls of goodness like me? You can eat me with any kind of sauce you want, spicy, sour, sweet. You can roast me, fry me and fill with meat or veggies. I mean, come on, now. They just don’t come more versatile than ya boi.
Hmm, I see you bring up good points indeed. But, I do know, though, that a lot of people say you can’t be the best food of Nepal because you’re too small. I mean, you’re like a snack not a full meal. Can you really represent the country the way it needs to be repped?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Omg don’t get me started on all that. Weaker foods always want to hate on a player for their size. But, my size is matched by my impact on your bank account. People don’t come to Nepal to spend a fortune on some food. They want some nice hot dumplingy goodness before they go trekking and get yeti murdered. And, I’m the guy for that job. That’s why they choose me. I mean money talks son. Why do you think I got so much clout?
Okay, okay. Fair enough. But wait, some other dishes doubt your dedication to the country. They claim that you’re akin to an eggs benedict arnold in your level of treason. Some say you’re from Tibet. Others says you’re just ripping off other famous dumplings from around the world. What do you say to that? And be quick cuz time’s running out for you!
Mysterious Interview Guy
Like, again, who even says this stuff? Yeah maybe my roots go back to Tibet. Maybe there’s other dumplings but come on, Nepal’s history is rich and diverse. You can’t expect the dish representing our country to not have that foreign connection. I don’t see that as betraying Nepal. I see that as already having experience with this ambassador shit. Which, by the way, is another reason ya boi needs to get hired ASAP. For my last thing, I’mma just say that all y’all who are doubting me, go find a little shop in Kathmandu, Pokhara or whatever, and talk to ya boi over there. It’s gonna be cheap and tasty. So, try me and I guarantee you’ll see why they rate me so highly worldwide.
2. Thukpa
Okay, let’s see here. Next it says we got Thukpa. Thukpa? Man who even are you? You just look like noodles. How can a noodle dish be the best food of Nepal? Everyone’s already got noodles certainly. Moreover, my sources tell me you’re also secretly of Tibetan origins. How can you represent Nepal like that? What do you have to say for yourself?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Firstly, I’d like to thank you for the really mature and not-at-all brash manner in which you started this interview. Soooo much respect. Nevertheless, I shall address your main points of contestment with me. As you will or perhaps have gathered, many a Nepalese dish is similar to dishes in Tibet and India. However, I have variants different from those in Tibet. I am a noodle soup yes, eaten with thin nnodles and a spoon for a hearty meal. However, contrary to my Tibetan brethren, I choose to focus on vegetarian options within my broth most of the time. If not vegetarian, I feature egg in place of protein. I’d advise you to remember that the next time you approach with accusations.
Hmm alright alright. You bringing facts huh? Interesting. Well, I see now okay, veggie options. That’s good. Given these points, you will go over well with the international community. A lot of people are getting off meat nowadays. But, I mean, beyond that, is there anything else you uniquely bring to the table that can change Nepal’s image overseas?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Oh yes, put simply, I can help those unfamiliar with the geographic positioning of Nepal learn how its location on this Earth affects its Cultural legacy gastronomically. You see, I reckon most would associate Nepal closer to India and South Asia, through its food and culture. However, the prevalence of an extremely popular noodle dish such as myself will reinforce the fact that Nepal has ties both to South and East Asia, and raise our cultural stock in the eyes of those more familiar with that part of the world.
So you’re saying you will help Nepal build relations with East and Southeast Asia? And the tastebuds of the world too? You mean to show people Nepalese food is more diverse than they think. Alright I can get behind that. But now tell me, and make it quick I gotta go. How will you give back to the community if you’re chosen to represent the nation as the undisputed best food of Nepal?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Nepal is still a poor developing nation, reeling to some degree still from the 2015 earthquake that shook the Kathmandu Valley. If I shall obtain the dubious distinction of the title Best Food of Nepal, I shall use my earnings for good. I shall donate to charities and nonprofits for the betterment of this great nation we call home. That, in my view is the dut of the Nepalese food ambassador and a testament to the spirit of thukpa!
3. Newari Khaja
Okay let’s move on the next candidate? So… we got, wait what’s your name? Newari Khaja? Samay Baji? What should I call you ma’am?
Mysterious Interview Guy
I go by many names. Not one is sufficient to pin me down completely. However, those two you mentioned suit me well. Call me what you like. Quite soon I will be known as the Best Food of Nepal. I began life in the Newar community of central Nepal, echoing the origins of my most famous name. They serve me on special ocassions, from family get togethers to religious holidays. Thus, I am known for my importance in Nepal. That’s why despite coming from one singular ethnic group, I’ve grown in stature to become one of the premier dishes of the nation. Those who eat me can attest to the myriad of flavors I contain, so many that no one can realistically oppose my ascension to best food of Nepal status.
Newari Khaja
Damn, well someone’s a talker! You seem pretty confident too. I like that, well, not really, but it does make my job easier. Now listen, it sounds like you already wanna tell us your whole life story, but we’re missing some pieces. You mention, what was it, a myriad of flavors? What exact flavors are we talking about? I think I speak for everyone when I see we’d all very much like to know.
Mysterious Interview Guy
Well you see, I can come in many forms, with various tools at my disposal. However, several ingredients have been known to make up my glorious foundation. I rest on a plate, a plate home to many smaller, yet equally delectable dishes. Flattened rice makes up the core of my essence. Emphasis on flattened, this is not the generic white rice my opposition offers. I’ve been known to feature chatamari, buffalo meat, spicy potato salad, green leaves, boiled black beans and a fried boiled egg. As a result, with me, you experience tangy, spicy, soft, crunchy, chewy, tender and hard all at once. No other dish in Nepal can smack you with so much abundant resonating flavor like I can.
Newari Khaja
Damn. I see you make a strong case Mrs. Khaja. So, how better to end this case then to tell us why we should pick you above the others. I mean I know you got the flavors, but some would say you come off cocky or arrogant. What can you tell potential viewers about yourself to get them on your side, get their sympathy?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Hmm, I did not wish to come across as egotistical but so be it. Regardless, I am the best food of Nepal. I cannot change that fact. But I can change your perception of me. Remember I began as an amalgamation of different snacks Newari farmers ate during the day. My form takes on the resolute will of the farmers that historically made the backbone of this nation. I did not come from wealth or glory. I am humbly a child of labor, just like any dish else. I hope you can appreciate that and how far I have come since my early days.
Newari Khaja
4. Chatpat & Pani Puri
Hey wait a sec! How the hell did you guys bust in here for the same interview? It says Chatpat at 11:30 and Pani Puri at 12:00! So why’re you both here? You can’t both be trying to be the best food of Nepal together can you? Explain yourselves!
Mysterious Interview Guy
Well, I mean, we’re just kinda homies that go way back. We’re kinda Indian-y, if that’s a word. We’re like snack food. You get us at a lot of similar little spots so we chitchat a while and you know, talk from stall to stall. We just figured, like, why not do it together. After all, like Nepal’s about community, and like, sharing is caring. And we care. We’re little spicy crunchy guys that are here for a good time, not a long time, ya get us and a lot of people get us. They get us as good grub and get gone. They like us so we figured you would too bruh. For reals, no cap!
Chatpat & Pani Puri
Uh… okay. Well lemme get this straight. So Pani Puri, you’re like one word or two? Ah who cares? Anyways, I was told you’re like those little crunchy balls filled with flavored water, chilis, potato, chutney, onions and uh like chickpeas right? Come in sets of those little crunchy balls with the openings at the top to pour the water in right? And you, chatpat, what are you exactly? You evidently also got chilis and chickpeas right but atop dried instant noodles and with loads of onions and cilantro. Other spices too? Like uh, throw in peas an lemon juice, served in little bowls at street stalls?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Exactly broseph robinette biden! Like, we may sound mad weird right? I know, you’re thinking with the chatpat and the dried instant noodles and thinking that’s fuck but nah bruh, we go hard day in and day out. And for that reason, we really deserve to be the best food of Nepal because we represent the street food scene. We’re cheap as fuck, shallow as fuck, and we be like totally representing the connections Nepalese cuisine has with Indian. Plus, bro, no cap we pack way more spices and more crunch than anyone else you’re interviewing today!
Chatpat & Pani Puri
Yeah to be honest things like instant noodles used in cuisine is underrated by a lot of foreign viewers. You could be puting Nepalese food on the map while vouching for stuff like that too. I dig it. But, hmm, you’ve got some tough competition, and I don’t really like how your voices are written and like, I can’t be bothered with too many more questions with you guys. So, let’s end this pretty much here. You got some last words to say any potential viewers? If you lose this competition and never get to represent Nepal again, what do you want these fine people to remember you by?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Damn bro, whatever dish out there, if you make it to the promised land. If you climb that mountain of mealy goodness, just know this. We didn’t want you to succeed. We’re haters til the end. We will be praying for your downfall. I mean, we just can’t see other dishes succeed even for the good of Nepal. Our ego comes before our nation 24/8. That’s it. Don’t care who takes offense to that. We stay spicy to the end! Chatpat and Panipuri out!
Chatpat & Pani Puri
5. Dal Bhat
Alright I was wondering when I’d get to you. You, Mr.Dal Bhat, seem like the obvious answer when picking the food ambassador of Nepal. However, it wouldn’t be a good search of the best food of Nepal if I didn’t go through your competition as well. Some people call you Dal Bhat Takari, to shout out the curry too, but you’re known by your taste more than your name. You’re eaten throughout Nepal and appear on many a menu. Can you tell me how you think you’ve achieved so much domestic success thus far?
Mysterious Interview Guy
If you ask me, I just tick all the boxes overall. That’s obviously why they love me. For example, run my name back cuz. Dal – that’s that lentil soup. Bhat – that’s that good rice most of the time, we talking that classic white rice. You already mentioned the curry. I got veggies, potatoes, a fried papad and some kind of meat, let’s shoutout chicken today. All on one plate man! Come on. I’m a full meal. The hikers and trekkers eat me once and they’re good for the day. I got protein and carbs, veggies and meat, I put you to sleep with one plate.
Dal Bhat
And, there’s certainly no doubt your clout is rising. The t shirts with the words ‘Dal Bhat power, 24 hour’ are seen all over Nepal. Everyone there knows about you. But idk tbh, internationally you may be lagging behind Momo. Why do you think that is? If you’re such a complete dish, eaten throughout Nepal and representing a full meal, why is Momo getting more love overseas? You got any clues?
Mysterious Interview Guy
To be honest, I think momo just generally sounds better. It’s easier to prononce so westoids gravitate towards it more. But the subcontinent knows me. I’m bigger than Nepal. And I think that’s what’ll carry me interntionally, the respect I get from India, Bangladesh and the gang. I’m not saying it’ll be an easy road to compete with the titans of world cuisine but if anyone’s gonna strap Nepal up to their back and carry us up there, it’s me. For some that’s a tall order. For me, it’s just a Dal order. So order some today!
Dal Bhat
A dal order? Really? Okay my respect for you has plummeted. But, I can’t deny you’ve made some valid points. To be the best food of Nepal, you need to tick the imaginary boxes I just made up and you tick them all. You really are the most complete mealI’ve interviewed today. However, corny lines, in a dish that generally doesn’t use corn, is not a good strategy. I’ll have to think harder. Meanwhile, as we close out this interview, what message would you send to the world if you get hired as Nepal’s Food Ambassador? What do you want to tell them about Nepalese food?
Mysterious Interview Guy
Alirght so boom, Nepalese food isn’t the flashiest. Nor is it the craziest. Deifinitely not the showiest but that’s okay. It may look simple but taste it and catch that flavor profile and you’ll see we don’t play. We’re straightforward enough so that your tastebuds will trsut us but we’re flavorful enough to thrash about them said tastebuds with a dozen different flavor profiles. Nepalese food is varied and complex but always delicious. Haters say we’re bland. Some people claim it’s all just the same as Indian food. I’m like nah, we stand alone, we got a lot of good eats here. So come, try it, see what happens.
Dal Bhat
In Concluey
Surprisingly, that’s the extent of the transcript. As I landed back in the United States, I tried to research who could have performed this study, yet nothing ever materialized. It remains a mystery which dish is the Best Food of Nepal, the Nepalese Food Ambassador, and who gets to carry that torch. Nevertheless, I hope this mysterious competition brought you insight into Nepal’s traditional cuisine. I hope it persuaded you to at least try one of the dishes on here or the many this man never got around to interviewing. And don’t forget to stick around so you can learn even more. Trying to learn how to talk to food for instance? Emphatically learn how with more Globe Junkie articles (not really). Finally, go try some Nepalese cuisine, before it tries you!