The Best Worst Traveler out there

The People
Québec City, Canada

Damn he fine

The Opps

This is my travel blog y’all. Henceforth, you shall never again read, see or hear such amazing stories about travel in your entire natural born life! Brace yourself because enchantment evidently awaits as you enter this site! Life will never be the same! I travel and traveled places and I be writing about it! Now all you gotta do is read it!! 😈

Flexing aside, I write about my travel stories, give travel advice, review food, review cities, countries and landmarks in specifically fun, creative ways! Tonally, my stuff is generally lighthearted and cheeky but occasionally i may throw in some gems like essays or serious topics related to travel, culture, language and whatever interests me in the moment I can tie back to being a Globe Junkie, i mean The Globe Junkie, whatever that means 😂

Yeah that’s about it!! Check out my other pages for more info or just skip ahead to the meat and potatoes aka the posts below!! I would like a lot of interaction with readers, feedback and input is very welcome. Additionally, you can find my contact info and further background on this sexyass author over there! Without further ado, thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy!! 😁


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