Best city parks around this wonderful world of ours! These are the spots when you want to chill, relax and escape the ups and downs of city life.
This is it! Travel rankings based on personal views! We look back at different locations, recalling their positives or negatives, whatever the mood of the day is!
This is the main focus of this blog, reviewing cities, countries, idk rocks, bushes, all over the world! Here, I be out in these streets referring to the tippiest of the tippy toppy locations I’ve ventured too! If you’re tryna find out about specific things within countries, I got you covered right here! We’re talking culture, architecture, nature, cityscapes and much much more!
With the rankings, there’s more often than not no actual competition there. It’s just fun to compare the best or worst of one place against another, isn’t it? ISN’T IT? These reviews include insights into spots to visit, what to expect, what to do, how to do it and most importantly what to oodle at!
These travel rankings are for entertainment, education, enlightenment and uh, saving the turtles… so yeah if you don’t read it, like fuck the turtles I guess
Travel Rankings
The Top 6 Absolutely Legendary Landmarks to Visit in Amazing and Lovely Cape Town
Wanna visit Cape Town? That’s alright but you better know where to go first! Find out the tippity top of the Kappity Stad! Right here! Right now!
These are the Underrated Cities that Deserve Passionate Loving Part II: Amazing Towns and Townships to find Abroad
underrated cities part 2! Here’s the part where I have to ad electric boogaloo…
Best Neighborhoods to Visit Around the World: Secret Slices of Famous Cities
What are the greatest neighborhoods in your favorite cities? Wanna know mine? No? Well I don’t care! You = learning now!!
The Devastatingly Beautiful Desert Destinations That Left Dude Dumbfounded
What are the greatest deserts I’ve ever seen you ask? I dunno, read the post you bum! Then you’ll know! YOU’LL KNOW!!!