Only certain people are built to be travelers. Not everyone is a hot stud like me though. Some are rich assholes, some are just wasting the bags they once chased. Some are seeking Nirvana. Others idk. There’s so much, so many options. See them here!
Advice! This is where to go for general travel tips. As far as the blog goes, these posts are the most serious and straightforward. They offer guidance and info about traveling. This includes preparing for a trip, saving money while traveling, the way to think about traveling, moral dilemmas when exposed to different situations and more.
The advice posts offer insight into traveling from my experience and are intended to be educational as well as entertaining. Traveling, especially traveling abroad can be extremely daunting. It’s a task that often requires a lot of guts, flexibility and willingness to explore. On the monetary side, it requires patience, stability, and focus. I’ve been in rough patches while traveling before and through that I’ve learned a few little tricks to salvage the trip. You don’t need to be rich to travel or be a genius. You just need the brains to figure it out and the heart to get up and go!
Nowadays, there are a lot of options to consider when traveling. Every destination is equally different. You can find a lot of information online as well as on the ground. However, it can be hard to determine what is trustworthy and what’s not. What’s really going to help you? What’s out of date? These are questions I hope the posts below will help answer. Some information is out there already, others I learned firsthand at random. Both are valuable to the wannabe voyager. Through them, you can collect the tools to be a versatile traveler ready to face anything!
Insidious Moral Dilemmas to Confront while Traveling: Bullfighting in Spain
Bullfighting is an iconic aspect of Spanish culture. However, it is very controversial and presents travelers to Spain with an ethical dilemma. Learn more about the practice here before judging and deciding for yourself.
How to Successfully Travel Alone and Love Doing it
Solo Travel can be incredibly daunting but even more rewarding if done correctly. So, how to do correctly? Idk read this post and tell me!
Unearthing the Illuminating Glory of the Travel
We dive into what makes traveling appeal on a deeper, more profound, personal basis! Something I’ve thought of for a long time and want to make clear to the world. So, world here you go I guess. Merry Christmas!
How to Learn a Foreign Language while Traveling
Want to learn a foreign language? Want to travel? Did you know you could do both at the same time!? WTF!? You probably already knew that but this isn’t about what you know, it’s about what I do! So read this! READ IT!!